Carnegie Mellon University

Inspiring Donor Stories

Thanks to supporters like you, we are able to make so much possible at CMU, and we are deeply grateful for your continued and dedicated commitment to our entire community.


900x600_bob-rifkin.webpGiving Since the Beginning

A donor-advised fund adds flexibility to CMU alumnus Bob Rifkin’s charitable giving

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glave900x600.jpgGiving What Feels Good

CMU alumnus Richard Glave is maximizing his support for Tartans with a tax-smart gift of retirement funds.

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rosalynrichmanandmotherselmaryave_600x400_gp-24-021_c-1.jpgReturning the Favor

Margaret Morrison Carnegie alumnae Rosalyn Richman and her mother Selma Ryave are funding scholarships and more for the CMU community with their philanthropy.

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feyer_300x200_gp-23-149_01.jpgNever Too Early

Tepper School of Business alumnus Steve Feyer encourages Tartans of all ages to get their will and estate plans in place — the sooner the better.

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chrisforland_900x600.jpgA Rewarding Retirement

Chris Forland’s years on campus prepared him for future successes, and he’s paying it forward to ensure the same  holds true for Tartan engineers and his loved ones.

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900x600_dushaw_gp-22-024.jpgHearts of Tartan

More than 70 years after they fell in love at CMU, Bob and Marty DuShaw’s support for undergraduate scholarships shows their hearts will always be in the work.

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Tartan Traditions Newsletter

Our Tartan Traditions newsletter brings educational and enjoyable content directly to your mailbox and inbox. Make sure you don’t miss a single issue filled with inspiring stories about donors just like you by ensuring your contact information is up-to-date with CMU!

SPRING 2024 Edition:

  • By naming CMU as a beneficiary on his retirement plan, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences alumnus Richard Glave is supporitng and enhancing the Tartan experience for underrepresented students in Dietrich College’s Information Systems program, who are native New Yorkers like himself.

  • Along with funding your retirement, your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement accounts can do good work at Carnegie Mellon. 


  • Margaret Morrison Carnegie College alumna Rosalyn Richman’s careful planning will spur generations of Tartans to success.

  • With a charitable gift annuity, you establish a legacy at CMU and enjoy the security of guaranteed income for life at the same time.


  • Alumnus Steve Feyer is planning ahead and urgings others to do the same with their will and estate plans. He's sharing his intentions with his loved ones to create a fellowship for MBA students in the future.

  • From reviewing your IRA and 401(k) accounts to evaluating a gift of appreciated assets, there are many creative and customizable charitable options to help you support the people and places close to your heart.

Warner.pngJoin The Warner Circle 

If you’ve made a life income gift to Carnegie Mellon or have named CMU in your estate plans, the university is proud to welcome you as a member of The Warner Circle donor recognition society. Let us know you’ve included CMU in your estate or financial plans by filling out our online form 

CMU's Tax ID Number: 25-0969449
Contact Gift Planning by phone: 412-268-5346
Contact Gift Planning by email: